
Global Colors
Body Background Color
Body Text Color
Headings Color
Brand Color
Button Colors
Button Color
Button Hover Color
Button Text Color
Button Text Hover Color
Button Secondary Color
Button Secondary Hover Color
Button Secondary Text Color
Button Secondary Text Hover Color
Link Colors
Link Color
Link Hover Color
Nav Link Color
Nav Link Hover Color
These apply to the background classes and you can use them however you'd like.
Border Color
Form Input Background Color
Form Input Placeholder Color
Background Colors (optional)
These are extra colors tied to background color utility classes for you to use however you'd like.
Background Color 1
Background Color 2
Background Color 3
Background Color 4
Text Colors (optional)
These are extra colors tied to text color utility classes for you to use however you'd like.
Text Color 1
Text Color 2
Text Color 3
Text Color 4


Heading level one

Heading level two

Heading level three

Heading level four

Heading level five
Heading level six



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